Anne Marie DiCenso: Linking Community Organizing, People Living with HIV & the Prison Industrial Complex

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Over the last 22 years Anne Marie has worked on issues related to people in prison in Canada. Her work has been driven from a harm reduction and anti-oppression framework and has had a strong focus on women, street involved people and people living with HIV & HCV. Anne Marie has been working for PASAN (Prisoners’ HIV/AIDS Support Action Network), for 19 years and has been their Executive Director for over 11 years.

Anne Marie has presented to the Canadian Human Rights Commission on Women in Prison, at workshops and forums on Criminalization of HIV Non-Discloser and on CBC Radio on Harm Reduction and HIV/AIDS. Anne Marie has a Masters Degree in Social Work and has also written many articles and opinion pieces on HIV/AIDS and prisons. She is the co-author of the study “Unlocking Our Futures: A National Study on Women, prisons, HIV and Hepatitis C (2003) and has worked on preserving the human rights of people in prison for many years. Anne Marie has serviced on the Board of Directors for HALCO (HIV/AIDS Legal Clinic of Ontario)and of APAA (Africans in Partnership Against AIDS).


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